Trisha tamil actress

Trisha Krishnan, recognized mononymous since Trisha, can be an Indian film celebrity as well as model, who primarily works  the South Indian film sectors, where she's got established herself as being a leading actress. She was noticed after winning numerous beauty pageants such since Miss Madras match (1999), which in turn proclaimed her entry into filmdom.

After appearing  a supporting role within the 1999 Tamil film Jodi, she had the girl first lead role  the 2002 film Mounam Pesiyadhe. She later rose to fame starring side the successful films, Saamy (2003) as well as Ghilli (2004) with Tamil cinema as well as Varsham (2004) with Telugu cinema, which is she secured the girl first South Filmfare Suitable Actress Award. She proceeded to win the specific award two extra times for Nuvvostanante Nenoddantana (2005) as well as Aadavari Matalaku Ardhalu Verule (2007). Shock as to, she made the ladies Bollywood debut with Khatta Meetha. She was welcomed with her career greatest shows in Abhiyum Naanum (2008) as well as Vinnaithaandi Varuvaayaa (2010) which is she won Vijay Recognition for Favourite Heroine as well as was nominated regarding Filmfare Ideal Tamil Actress Award.

a die-hard animal lover, Trisha remains the Goodwill Ambassador regarding PETA.